Gender as a moderator of self-esteem in socially adjusted and maladjusted youth


The article presents the results of research into the self-esteem of adolescents. The comparative analysis conducted reveals that the self-esteem of juveniles placed in social rehabilitation institutions is higher than the self-esteem of youth attending public schools and that gender is not a statistically significant differentiating factor. The text also includes a review of empirical studies of other authors dealing with this issue, a discussion of the obtained results, and practical recommendations useful in the social rehabilitation juveniles.


self-esteem; adolescents; social rehabilitation of juveniles

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Published : 2014-07-30

Kupiec, H. (2014). Gender as a moderator of self-esteem in socially adjusted and maladjusted youth. Resocjalizacja Polska, (7), 117-134. Retrieved from

Hubert Kupiec 
Uniwersytet Szczeciński  Poland

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