
Dear Authors,

We would like to inform you that the Polish Journal of Social Rehabilitation (Resocjalizacja Polska) is currently undergoing a transition to a new publisher, the University of Białystok. After the completion of this process, the procedures for article submission and review will promptly resume, and we will inform you accordingly.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this transition and appreciate your understanding.

Editorial Board of the Polish Journal of Social Rehabilitation

Międzynarodowa widoczność artykułów "Resocjalizacji Polskiej" w roku 2020


Międzynarodowa widoczność artykułów "Resocjalizacji Polskiej" w roku 2020

Polska - 4 903 - 75,87%
Stany Zjednoczone - 739 - 11,44%
Wielka Brytania - 143 - 2,21%
Kanada - 85 - 1,32%
Australia - 68 - 1,05%
Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie - 56 - 0,87%
Indie - 56 - 0,87%
Chiny - 50 - 0,77%
Niemcy - 31 - 0,48%
Holandia - 21 - 0,32%
Łącznie stronę czasopisma odwiedziło: 6 490 osób
Zainicjowano następującą liczbę sesji na platformie: 12 543
Zarejestrowano: 52 575 odsłon.

ICI Journals Master evaluation for 2019


We are pleased to inform that Polish Journal of Social Rehabilitation (ISSN: 2392-2656, 2081-3767) based on evaluation in ICI Journals Master List for 2019 reached the Index Copernicus Value (ICV):

ICV 2019 = 100.00

PJSR launches cooperation with EBSCO


We are pleased to inform that Pedagogium Foundation signed an agreement with EBSCO Publishing Inc. in Massachusetts (USA) on the 15th of April 2020.

As a result, Polish Journal of Social Rehabilitation will be indexed in EBSCO.

EBSCO is the leading provider of research databases, e-journals, magazine subscriptions, e-books and discovery service to libraries of all kinds. For more than 70 years, EBCO has partnered with libraries to improve research with quality content and technology.


New regulations for publishing articles


Beginning in 2020, the Publisher of Polish Journal of Social Rehabilitation shall introduce new regulations for publishing scientific articles. The principles are described in the journal's Editorial Policy. We encourage you to get familiar with the content of the Editorial Policy.


Polish Journal of Social Rehabilitation” (Resocjalizacja Polska) was declared a 70 point journal


In accordance with the Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education communication of the 31 July 2019 concerning the listing of scientific journals and the number of points awarded for being published in these journals, the “Polish Journal of Social Rehabilitation” (Resocjalizacja Polska) was declared a 70 point journal.

We invite to publish in Resocjalizacja Polska the representatives of social sciences in disciplines other than pedagogy.


We would like to inform you that in accordance with the interpretation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the Constitution for Science does not limit the possibility of conducting research in various disciplines. Therefore, it leaves scientists full freedom to choose the scientific journals where they will publish the results of their research. This freedom is not limited by the assignment of disciplines to scientific journals.

It is permissible to publish in journals outside the discipline which they represent, provided that the condition of a substantive link between the content of the publication and the discipline is fulfilled. 

If the above condition is met, we would like to invite representatives of social sciences, whose scientific and research interests are related to more or less broadly interpreted area of social rehabilitation, to publish in Polish Journal of Social Rehabilitation.