Cooperation with Family and School in the Appraisal of Court Appointed Guardians
The elaboration undertakes the problem of court appointed guardians who are being more often applied to help maladjusted youth who come from families that have difficulties in raising up a child. Court appointed guardians are obligated to cooperate with community while monitoring the youngsters. The article shows the results of pilot researches about the cooperation of court appointed guardians with families and school. There are discussed tasks that are being most frequently done by court appointed guardians in their opinion. Moreover, there is shown their opinion about the most difficult parts of mentioned cooperation. There is also presented their opinion about the conditions that need to be fulfilled for these tasks to be effective.Keywords
court appointed guardians; maladjusted youth; cooperation with family; cooperation with school
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Akty prawne
Rozporządzeniem Ministra Sprawiedliwości z dnia 12 czerwca 2003 r. w sprawie szczegółowego sposobu wykonywania uprawnień i obowiązków kuratorów sądowych (Dz.U. 2014, poz. 989).
Uniwersytet Opolski Poland
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