The refugee crisis without refugees – the attitudes of students from north-eastern Poland towards refugees
Until 2015, Poles had an open and approving attitude towards refugees. In the following years, it has been subject to systematic deterioration, which was a result of a number of
conditions. In connection with these facts, the author’s own research has identified the attitudes of students in the field of early and pre-school education as well as social work from the north-eastern region of Poland. Podlasie has seen xenophobic, racist and homophobic events in recent years. It is a region which systematically sends a message of discriminating attitudes of some of its inhabitants towards all people who are different in any sort of way. This paper consists of three parts. It features a discussion of the background against which a social revaluation of sorts is taking place in Poland, aimed at changing the perception of others. The author’s research on students’ attitudes towards refugees was presented based on what they associate with them. Selected conditions were also presented (e.g. familiarity with refugees, sources of knowledge about them, use of media etc.) of distinguished attitudes.
migration; exile; refugees; attitudes; education; hate speech
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