Individualization of social rehabilitation interventions directed to socially maladjusted young people – towards effective social readaptation conducted by the Department of Juvenile Probation in New York
The category of juvenile delinquents in the American social rehabilitation system is subject to
special interest of social services. The priority status of all juvenile affairs is reflected in the
numerous proposals to support teenagers in court proceedings. They are characterized by
dropped out the policy of absolute punishment in order to find effective solutions enabling
the individual to social rehabilitation without having to put it in an isolation institution. This
article describes the methods of environmental work using social rehabilitation programs
implemented with the participation of the local community in New York. In addition, the
article discusses the classification of juvenile delinquents, to referral the procedure of legal
proceedings against teenagers, and the levels of probation. The observations in the paper on
the practical dimension of educational measures for socially maladjusted young people were
drawn up on the basis of an internship held by the New York Juvenile Probation Department.
Probation; social rehabilitation; juveniles; local community
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Uniwersytet w Białymstoku Poland
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