Individualisation of the social rehabilitation measures at the youth educational centres


The article explains the notion of individualisation of the social rehabilitation measures. In addition the author refers to the findings of its own research of different forms of individualisation of the social rehabilitation measures applied in practice in the youth educational centres. The author identifies the need for the rationalisation of the social rehabilitation process in the researched centres through, among others, the introduction of the uniform daily schedules and the core curriculum of social rehabilitation. Such solutions should lead to better organisation and specification of the social rehabilitation measures.


Individualisation; youth educational centre; rationalisation of the social rehabilitation process

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Published : 2018-10-19

Kranc, M. (2018). Individualisation of the social rehabilitation measures at the youth educational centres. Resocjalizacja Polska, (16), 129-139.

Michał Kranc
Krakowska Akademia im. A.F. Modrzewskiego w Krakowie  Poland

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