Readiness for treatment of offenders women and men


Offenders readiness for treatment is a new category in our country. However, the research conducted in many countries indicate the usefulness of this category in the diagnosis and selection of participants in treatment programs. It has to do with greater rehabilitation impact on offenders as well as greater responsibility of offenders for their own process of rehabilitation This article aims to present the main assumptions and models of readiness to change and its usefulness in rehabilitation of offenders and presentation of pilot study testing readiness for change among criminal men and women in Krakow. The use of Polish adaptation of the questionnaire CVTRQ allowed to determine the level of readiness among convicts, taking into account the deficits in individual scales of the questionnaire, and the variables differentiating a group of “ready for treatment” from “not-ready”. Finally, the guidelines will be presented for further research.


models of readiness; willingness to change; questionnaires readiness to change; rehabilitation; effectiveness of rehabilitation

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Published : 2018-02-16

Biel, K. (2018). Readiness for treatment of offenders women and men. Resocjalizacja Polska, (14), 121-136.

Krzysztof Biel 

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