Intensity of Psychopathic Traits and Agression, Styles of Interpersonal Functioning, Hierarchy of Values and Conditions of Socialization among Imprisoned Women


The presented study was to assess the level of psychopathic traits women in Polish prisons and the relationship between that and the conditions of family socialization, interpersonal behaviour styles, intensity and forms of aggression and the hierarchy of values. The participants of the study were female inmates (n = 99) among which emerged three psychopathy intensification groups (based on score in Psychopathy Checklist – Revised, PCL-R). There has been used such diagnostic tools as the Buss-Durkee Aggression Scale (SABD), the Scale of Interpersonal Relations (SUI), the Rokeach Value Survey (RVS) and penitentiary records analysis. The gathered results of the research indicate that with increasing severity of psychopathic traits in the studied groups growing number of women having in their past experience of staying in institutions or care centers and contact with a parent addicted to an alcohol.
As expected, it turned out that the treatment groups differ in terms of expression of the forms of aggression (especially physical aggression and verbal), irritation and interpersonal behaviour styles. Partially confirmed was the hypothesis of the existence of the relationship between the hierarchy of values and the intensity of psychopathic traits. Women with a higher psychopathic traits valued the Family Security less in their hierarchy of terminal values.


psychopathy; aggression; hostility; values

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Published : 2017-01-29

Bolek, M. (2017). Intensity of Psychopathic Traits and Agression, Styles of Interpersonal Functioning, Hierarchy of Values and Conditions of Socialization among Imprisoned Women. Resocjalizacja Polska, (12), 195-215.

Magdalena Bolek 

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