Criminological aspects of criminality of female and male inmates in penitentiary isolation
The purpose of this article is to outline the reasons why female and male detainees commit crimes. These are framed by criminological theories. For this reason, the analysis begins with a brief overview of what criminology is. This is followed by an outline of the basic theories of the etiology of crime. Getting to know the theoretical background made it possible to present the statements of the inmates who presented their life stories during the research conducted by the biographical method. Most of them were repeat offenders, which conveys the meaning of the statement that the reasons for committing crimes may be born during the period of imprisonment. An analysis of the psychological, sociological, and economic determinants of the commission of crime by inmates was carried out on the basis of several statements quoted. Based on the examples presented, an analysis of the etiology of crime in terms of gender differences was carried out. On the basis of the collected source material, it must be concluded that the conditions under which a prison sentence is served do not contribute to rehabilitation. On the contrary, in many cases they contribute to committing further crimes after leaving prison. In addition to this, it should be concluded from the statements of the respondents that gender and the individual character of the person are important criminological factors. The recognition of gender as one of the factors is since significant differences can be observed in the assessment of living and social conditions in prison and whether rehabilitation measures can be successful. Although the conditions of serving a sentence and the commission of crimes by men and women differ considerably, this does not prevent drawing of general conditions relating to the commission of crimes within the scope of existing forensic theories.
forensic science; crime; etiology of crime; prisons; imprisonment; prisons,; prison subculture; women; men; biography; convicts; inmates
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