Peer violence in the perspective of the experiences of students with disabilities


The aim of this article is to explore peer violence as experienced by students with disabilities and understand its relevance to their psychosocial and educational functioning. The research used the individual case method. The narratives of three high school students with disabilities who are victims of peer violence form the basis for research conclusions in the area indicated. The presented experiences of students with disabilities related to experiencing peer violence along with the accompanying long-term consequences show their perspective of functioning both at school and beyond, in which traumatic experiences, loss of a sense of security, helplessness, and lack of effective help and loss of hope of receiving it come to the fore. Disability and the related potential weakness and reaction to otherness, being different are perceived as the main cause of hostile peer behavior The presented research results justify the need for broad involvement of all participants in the educational process (including mainly school principals, teachers, students, parents and specialists) in creating an inclusive environment, free of peer violence, open to the diversity of students, promoting respect and empathy towards other people, regardless of on their individual characteristics or skills.

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Published : 2024-08-07

Sakowicz-Boboryko, A., & Otapowicz, D. (2024). Peer violence in the perspective of the experiences of students with disabilities. Resocjalizacja Polska, (27), 155–170.

Agnieszka Sakowicz-Boboryko 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku  Poland
Dorota Otapowicz 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku    Poland

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