Relationship satisfaction among female partners of male inmates and selected parameters of intimate relationships
This research aimed to examine the level of relationship satisfaction index declared by the partners of men incarcerated in prisons and to relate it to the indicators associated with the type and conditions of the relationship and the imposed sentence time, as well as indicators of insecure attachment of the surveyed women. For this purpose, the following were used: a relationship satisfaction scale, a questionnaire regarding data on the relationship and the duration of isolation, and a shortened version of the Experience in close relationships – revised scale (ECR – R) (Lubiewska et al. 2016). The obtained results indicate the lack of a significant relation between the relationship status, the presence of children, the relationship duration, the type of contacts and indicators related to the length of the imposed sentence and the declared level of relationship satisfaction. As an element resulting from the attachment theory, the level of avoidance was not related to the level of satisfaction. At the same time, the anxiety index had an inverse correlation, which may be particularly important in the context of a situation of isolation of one of the partners. However, confirmation of this hypothesis requires further research involving a control group.
partners of inmates; relationship satisfaction; attachment theory
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Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Poland
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