Sexual predators. Analysis of risk factors and protective factors in the context of undertaken corrective interventions
The aim of this study is to identify the spectrum of risk factors, both static and dynamic in nature, and to highlight factors antagonistic to them. Understanding the range of factors conducive to engaging in sexually criminal behavior by women has significant therapeutic-corrective implications. It allows the development of interventions tailored to this category of offenders and assesses the risk of recidivism into criminal behaviors. The method used is the analysis of secondary sources. The study is divided into three parts. The first part provides a characterization and interpretation of concepts related to the sexual abuse of children. The second part characterizes women perpetrators of sexual abuse of children. In the final part, risk factors related to committing contact sexual offenses by women are characterized. Both so-called static factors and dynamic factors (DRF) are considered. An additional element useful in developing corrective interventions is the identification of protective factors (PF), which not only reduce the risk of recidivism but also indicate a desirable direction for corrective change
predatory aggression; sexual exploitation of children; female sexual offenders (FSO); dynamic risk factors (DRF); protective factors (PF); corrective interventions
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