The Stigmatized in the Perspective of the System Justification Theory (SJT)


The article is dedicated to explaining the issue of the sources and reasons behind the paradox of stigmatized social categories justifying the system. The key statement of the System Justification Theory — SJT is the explanation that stigmatized individuals and categories are victims and perpetrators of internalized norms of the system in which they have come to live and the system plays a palliative role. SJT is a broader formula that includes other important basic ones, such as: Cognitive Dissonance Theory (Festinger), Social Identity Theory (Tajfel), Belief in a just world (Lerner), Stereotype Content Model — SCM (Fiske), Social Dominance Theory (Sidanus), causing self-awareness and others. The article discusses the sources and causes that construct and are responsible for the existence of the paradox of the stigmatized supporting the system. The key ones are language, the Christian message, self-assessment, the “it’s your own fault” heuristic and others.


Stigmatized; System Justification Theory (SJT); language,; Stereotype Content Model (SCM); Social Dominance Theory (SDO)

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Published : 2024-08-06

Czykwin, E. (2024). The Stigmatized in the Perspective of the System Justification Theory (SJT). Resocjalizacja Polska, (27), 27–42.

Elżbieta Czykwin 
Christian Theological Academy in Warsaw  Poland

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CitedBy Scopus

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