On the need to strengthen interpersonal relations in times of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus pandemic - reports from research involving academic youth
The situation of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic and the resulting legal regulations aimed at preventing the spread of the COVID-19 disease caused by it were not without significance for the quality of human life. Various socio-economic restrictions, including the order of forced social isolation, which with its most restrictive form in Poland adopted from the second half of March to May 2020, significantly limited people-to-people contacts. Consequently, many areas of human activity have been transferred to the Internet space. This change also affected the academic youth, who switched to the remote education mode, which was another difficulty on the way to maintaining direct relationships with other people. The article presents the results of empirical research on the quality of interpersonal relationships among adolescents studying in a stationary mode during COVID-19. An online survey was used in the study, and 2,285 respondents took part in it. The collected material, which was subjected to statistical analysis, proves that in the opinions of the surveyed academic youth there has been a decline in the quality of interpersonal contacts. Among the factors determining the satisfaction of respondents with interpersonal ties, one can indicate, inter alia: their importance for them, the form of their maintenance and the place of stay during the pandemic. The obtained results allow us to conclude that the necessity to build relationships in an indirect manner does not contribute to their quality.
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