The place of neuroscience in social rehabilitation pedagogy
The aim of this work is to find a place in social rehabilitation pedagogy for the use of neuroscientific research by discovering its importance in the process of social rehabilitation. In the beginning, some theoretical considerations on biology as a basis for the psychological and behavioral functions of humans were cited. Then the areas of pedagogy were presented where the importance of neuroscientific research has grown in recent years. In the next part, attention was drawn to the discussion in the literature on the subject of social rehabi litation. Then, literature and neuroscientific empirical studies were analyzed, in which direct and indirect relations between neuroscience and social rehabilitation were observed. Finally, an attempt was made to locate neurobiology at the borderline of sub-fields of pedagogy and a conclusion was presented on the usefulness of neuroscientific research for cognitive and therapeutic purposes.
neurorehabilitation; biopsychosocial criminology; neurotherapy; social rehabilitation; criminology
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Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Społecznych, Uniwersytet w Białymstoku Poland
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