Possibilities of improving the efficiency of social readaptation measures in the conditions of penitentiary isolation


The purpose of this article is to show the causes of disfunctionality of rehabilitation as conducted in the Polish penitentiary system, which proves to be inefficient in preparing inmates for social readaptation. It diagnoses the causes of lack of effectivity of individual influence programs and worsening of inmate conduct, which act against forming positive environment in penitentiary institutions. It also outlines the possibilities of improving the efficiency of social readaptation measures that are attainable through changing the organizational structure of penitentiary institutions and shifting the paradigm of the influence of correctional measures.


Rehabilitation; influence of penitentiary measures; catamnestic research

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Published : 2018-10-18

Kędzierski, W. (2018). Possibilities of improving the efficiency of social readaptation measures in the conditions of penitentiary isolation. Resocjalizacja Polska, (16), 49-64. https://doi.org/10.22432/pjsr.2018.16.05

Witold Kędzierski  doctus@o2.pl
Uniwersytet Rzeszowski  Poland

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