The role and meaning of shame in the process of abandoning crime


In psychology, I assume that shame is an emotion that plays an important role in the social development of the individual, the development of self-control mechanisms and the shaping of self-image. As Kurtz emphasizes, experiencing shame is an experience of revealing itself not only to others, but also to yourself. Therefore, conscious shame has the characteristics of reintegrating and restoring ties. He draws attention to this in his theory of crime, shame and reintegration of J. Braithwaite, where he argues that the lowest crime is where shame and guilt play the greatest role. In order for shame to work, a special kind is needed: a reintegration shame. It makes it possible to understand evil, but it does not exclude people from the community and does not exclude people – thus creates a much better perspective for criminal justice as well as for the quality of life of individuals and the whole community. Thus, shame can become an important factor in the process of abandoning crime.
the process of abandoning crime.

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Published : 2018-10-18

Skuza, A. (2018). The role and meaning of shame in the process of abandoning crime. Resocjalizacja Polska, (16), 29-38.

Aneta Skuza
Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach  Poland

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