Family in perception and in opinion of persons holding prison sentences


Defining a family as a system of related elements that are in mutual relations with each other, it is assumed that understanding individual parts of it is not possible to separate from the whole. Breaking the bond by isolating one of its members leads to system disturbances and the need to reorganize it. If the unit is placed in a penitentiary institution, it is condemned to long-term exclusion from its family, which in turn leads to dysregulation of the system, and even - in the situation of inability to cope with change - the break-up of the family.


family system; family relations; convicted; social stigmatization

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Published : 2019-03-28

Chańko – Kraszewska, A. (2019). Family in perception and in opinion of persons holding prison sentences. Resocjalizacja Polska, (15), 161-178.

Anna Chańko – Kraszewska
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku  Poland

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