Psychopedagogical and Criminological Aspects of Youth Risk Behavior


Risky behavior undertaken by young people is not a new phenomenon. It is a multi-faceted and complex issue determined by social and psychological factors. The definition of risky behavior in youths says that they are actions undertaken voluntarily, whose effects are uncertain, with the possibility of identifiable adverse effect on health. Among the most frequently mentioned risky behaviors of youth are: smoking, improper nutrition, alcohol consumption, drug use, suicidal behavior, accidental personal injury, crime, violence, teen-age pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, running away from home and homeless youth, and the lack of potential success at school and dropping out of school. This article provides an overview of the literature on risky behaviors in youths in three aspects: pedagogical, psychological and criminological.


risky behavior; youth

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Published : 2016-12-13

Klonowska, I. (2016). Psychopedagogical and Criminological Aspects of Youth Risk Behavior. Resocjalizacja Polska, (11), 83-95.

Iwona Klonowska 
Komenda Główna Policji; Pedagogium WSNS w Warszawie  Poland
Police Headquarters; Pedagogium Warsaw School of Education and Social Sciences

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