T.C. Pratt’s self-control/life-course theory of criminal behavior – an evolutionary extension proposal


T.C. Pratt’s self-control/life-course theory of criminal behavior – an evolutionary extension proposal The article presents the theory of self-control/life-course by T.C. Pratt. It shows the advantages of the theory as a synthesis of two important theoretical trends in criminology. It also indicates essential deficits of this theory. Above all, in the article authors presented arguments in favor of the thesis that the Pratt’s proposal may be supplemented and developed in the framework of evolutionary approach. The authors showed some detailed proposals and pointed out the potential directions and key assumptions of a project of possible further explanation of relations between self-control and life-course in this framework.


self-control; life-course; crime; evolution

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Published : 2018-02-16

Florek, S., & Piotrowski, P. (2018). T.C. Pratt’s self-control/life-course theory of criminal behavior – an evolutionary extension proposal. Resocjalizacja Polska, (14), 73-83. https://doi.org/10.22432/pjsr.2017.14.06

Stefan Florek 
Przemysław Piotrowski 

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