Social exclusion – word as a symbol defining the nature of humanity


The process of objectively deleting the meaning of ideas-symbols plays an important role in the education, teaching, upbringing and universal socialization of man. It is an area of transcultural struggle, which should lead to exposing the total truth about man, recognizing their place in the history of the world. In addition, naming the truth about oneself creates trust and responsibility and thus frees the state of affirmation for the rule of law and a just state. Via autotelic experiences, internal transformations and proactive consciousness, it is oriented on the basis of language and a symbolic universe, personal growth allowing to integrate the human being with the environment, and not to create a civilization of fall based on enslaved existence. This keyword means that people who are pushed outside the symbolic field and the imaginarium are deprived of emotional freedom and the right to freely choose and take responsibility for their actions in order to ensure freedom for the rest of society, the imagination, perception, sensations and feelings of which are fed by hatred, contempt and total isolation.


social exclusion; exclusion; disadvantage; hubristic values; apologetic thinking; trans passiveness

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Published : 2018-02-16

Bałandynowicz, A. (2018). Social exclusion – word as a symbol defining the nature of humanity. Resocjalizacja Polska, (14), 11-27.

Andrzej Bałandynowicz 
Wyższa Szkoła Pedagogiczna im. Janusza Korczaka w Warszawie 

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