The Penal Trap of Incorrect Social Policy


The article contains a discussion of the views of trying to explain today recorded an alarming increase in the number of people deposited in prisons. View, these ideas show how flawed and shortsighted social policies pursued in many Western countries, instead of focusing on long-term, arduous it is true, but more effective activation programs of social assimilation of representatives of disadvantaged economically, focuses on ad hoc, mostly populist surgery. At the end of shows recently announced the views P.K. Enns of the inherent relationships incarceration rates with the shaped by media moods of the American public. At the end of shows recently announced the views P.K. Enns of the inherent relationships incarceration rates with the shaped by media moods of the American public.


penal policy; rehabilitation; penitentiary; exclusion; social policy; the philosophy of punishment

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Published : 2017-07-28

Pospiszyl, K. (2017). The Penal Trap of Incorrect Social Policy. Resocjalizacja Polska, (13), 9-16.

Kazimierz Pospiszyl
Holy Cross University in Kielce 

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