Ladette and anti-social behaviors of girls and young women


The article is devoted to the reconstruction of the extremely interesting, from the point of view of contemporary social rehabilitation and femininity/masculinity studies, phenomenon of emergence of a new type of female identity – functioning on the border of the law and often transgressing it. She is referred to as the “ladette,” standing in opposition to the modest, polite and traditional female role. It refers to the lads subculture, contesting school, practicing hedonistic forms of behavior, such as having fun, binge drinking, as well as destructive activities and objectification of women. The article undertakes a multi-context analysis of the Ladette culture, which is obviously involved in a controversial way in the process of women’s emancipation, in the context of their anti-social behaviors.


Ladette; girls’/young women identity; antisocial behaviors; sexuality; binge drinking

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Published : 2021-09-23

Gromkowska-Melosik, A. (2021). Ladette and anti-social behaviors of girls and young women. Resocjalizacja Polska, (21), 69-78.

Agnieszka Gromkowska-Melosik
Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań  Poland

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