Foreigners in prisons in Italy, Poland and Hungary in the context of the great contemporary migration


The aim of the article is to present the problem of foreigners in prisons in Italy, Poland and Hungary. General sociodemographic data of the countries as well as basic information
on the crimes of foreigners in the context of contemporary migration movements are presented.


foreigners; crime; migration; inmates; Poland; Italy; ungary

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Published : 2020-11-01

Piotrowski, A., Miklósi, M., & Serragiotto, S. (2020). Foreigners in prisons in Italy, Poland and Hungary in the context of the great contemporary migration. Resocjalizacja Polska, (19), 165-178.

Andrzej Piotrowski 
University of Gdańsk  Poland
Márta Miklósi 
University of Debrecen  Hungary
Silvana Serragiotto 
Società Italiana Psicologia Penitenziaria  Italy

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