The Role of Non-governmental Organizations in Providing Post- penitentiary Assistance in Poland and Germany – History and Present


The article presented a historical perspective of the activity of Polish and German solutions in post-penitentiary assistance. Furthermore, it refers to present activities carried out in both countries. The author presented selected non-governmental organizations engaged in activities for former convicted in both countries, and against this background, proposed the implementation of some German solutions in Poland.


post-penitentiary assistance; rehabilitation; non-governmental organizations

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Published : 2017-01-29

Kubala, M. (2017). The Role of Non-governmental Organizations in Providing Post- penitentiary Assistance in Poland and Germany – History and Present. Resocjalizacja Polska, (12), 41-57.

Małgorzata Kubala 
Pedagogium Warsaw School of Education and Social Sciences  Poland

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