Satisfaction with life in a group of alcohol and drug addicts. The role of personal resources and health behaviors


The article presents the results of research aimed at determining the role of personality resources and health behaviors as factors determining life satisfaction among alcohol and drug addicts. In the article, we present a holistic model of predictors that takes into account resilience, communality, causality, health behaviors and life satisfaction. Its suitability has been tested through the analysis of a number of variables that have so far been examined separately: resilience, communality, causality and health behaviors as explanatory variables and satisfaction of life as a variable to be explained. We assumed that causative and communal orientation, resilience and health behaviors as personal resources can be considered as factors influencing life satisfaction and, in consequence, the course of addiction therapy. Our research reveals that personal resources are determinants of life satisfaction, which can
make a significant contribution to the fight against the disease, including addiction.


Addicts, personal resources, resilience, health behaviors, causality, communality, life satisfaction.

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Published : 2019-04-08

Konaszewski, K., & Muszyńska, J. (2019). Satisfaction with life in a group of alcohol and drug addicts. The role of personal resources and health behaviors. Resocjalizacja Polska, (18), 263-277.

Karol Konaszewski 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku  Poland
Jolanta Muszyńska 
Uniwersytet w Białymstoku  Poland

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