Professor Gościmierz Geras – Memory and Introduction to Understanding Issues in the Area of Correctional Psychology


The aim of this article is to promote Professor Gościmierz Geras’ contribution to scientific research on correctional psychology and his impact on the further development of our general knowledge on human nature. Insights, concepts and theories developed, among others, by the Professor, should continue to be the source of inspiration for studies based on updated knowledge, but also respecting previous contributions. Finding out about man in extreme or unusual circumstances still seems to be a challenge if one does not look at human actions holistically. We perceive prisoners too often from the narrow context of tasks and functions without the broader knowledge of mechanisms which are at the root of their actions. Getting to know what we define as pathological, we also find the path to the healthy norm and even heroism.


memory; correctional psychology; imprisonment syndrome; temptation; dignity

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Published : 2016-12-13

Pastwa-Wojciechowska, B. (2016). Professor Gościmierz Geras – Memory and Introduction to Understanding Issues in the Area of Correctional Psychology. Resocjalizacja Polska, (11), 9-23.

Beata Pastwa-Wojciechowska 
University of Gdańsk  Poland

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