Time of prison isolation and vulnerability of prisoners for manipulations focused on the depreciation of others and referring to conformity


This work concerns susceptibility of convicted “non – flashing” men to manipulation concentrated on depreciation of others and connected with conformity. I’ve conducted a research to answer a question: “Is there connection between the time of prison isolation and susceptibility of imprisoned to manipulation?” To test susceptibility to manipulation I used author’s questionnaire (N = 203) imprisoned have been tested, both convicted for the first time and more. According to assumptions susceptibility to manipulation connected with conformity of imprisoned for the first time was rising with the amount of time spent in prison isolation (N = 116). Along with the time spent in prison by those put there for the second time and more susceptibility to manipulation connected with conformity was falling (N = 87).


susceptibility to manipulation; prison isolation; depreciation of others; conformity

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Published : 2014-12-30

Nowacki, Z. (2014). Time of prison isolation and vulnerability of prisoners for manipulations focused on the depreciation of others and referring to conformity. Resocjalizacja Polska, (8), 185-200. Retrieved from https://resocjalizacjapolska.pl/index.php/rp/article/view/191

Zbigniew Nowacki 
Zakład Karny w Pińczowie  Poland

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