Experiencing Stress as an Influence Factor on the Level of Psychosocial Adaptation in One-Time and Repeated Offenders Punished with Imprisonment


The article presents the results of research showing the relationship between experiencing stress in the first phase (the perception of stressful stimuli) and the second phase (coping with stress), and the level of psychosocial adaptation of persons once and repeatedly punished with insulation sanctions. The results obtained on the basis of 296 convicted men. For the analysis of the level of psychosocial adaptation The Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank RISB by J. Rotter was used. The perception of a stress situation was measured by The Own Life Rating Questionnaire by I. Niewiadomska. Measurement of dealing with stressful situations was made by using Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations CISS by N. Endler and J. Parker, and also The Maudsley Addiction Profile MAP by J. Marsden. The results indicate that there are specific elements of the experience of stress that affect the level of psychosocial adaptation of convicted offenders: 1) regardless of the number of prison sentences, 2) only in group with one prison sentence, 3) only in group repeatedly residing in prison.


stress experiencing; perception of a stress situation; stress coping; psychosocial adaptation; prisoners; one time imprisonment; repeatedly imprisonment

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Published : 2015-12-30

Niewiadomska, I. (2015). Experiencing Stress as an Influence Factor on the Level of Psychosocial Adaptation in One-Time and Repeated Offenders Punished with Imprisonment. Resocjalizacja Polska, (10), 181-207. Retrieved from https://resocjalizacjapolska.pl/index.php/rp/article/view/157

Iwona Niewiadomska 
The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin  Poland

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