The Key Conditions of Attitudes of Juvenile Delinquents Towards the Justice System: Considering Empirical Data From a Study Research


The aim of the article is to present the results of my own research concerning the key conditions of attitudes of youth (referred to as juveniles or juvenile delinquents) towards institutions of the justice system and institutions of formal control in Poland. The rationale behind conducting the study lies in a broadly understood concept of learning, an integral element of which is the attitude towards a certain object or event manifesting itself as a persistent behaviour resulting from accepted beliefs. Among the many conditions of juveniles’ negative attitudes to the justice system, especially important is the area of the functioning of institutions of the justice system and participators in juvenile delinquency proceedings, such as the court or defender, and institutions of formal control, that is, the police.


attitudes; juvenile delinquency; justice system; juveniles’ social maladjustment; institutions of formal control in Poland

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Published : 2015-12-30

Kusztal, J. (2015). The Key Conditions of Attitudes of Juvenile Delinquents Towards the Justice System: Considering Empirical Data From a Study Research. Resocjalizacja Polska, (10), 149-163. Retrieved from

Justyna Kusztal 
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie  Poland

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