Social Reintegration of Prisoners in Selected European Union Countries


In reference to problem of social readaptation of convicted for long-term imprisonment, the comparative analysis of penitentiary systems and reintegration solutions from Denmark, France, Great Britain and Poland, was conducted and presented in the article. In the summary, different systemic changes were showed, which may increase the efficient operations and be helpful in effective post penitentiary assistance and preparation of people sentenced, to live and work in freedom. However, the most crucial fact is the decrease of social and financial costs bore by the society for prisoners, ex-prisoners and their dysfunctional families.


social adaptation; penitentiary systems; post-penitentiary systems

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Published : 2015-12-30

Nowak, B. (2015). Social Reintegration of Prisoners in Selected European Union Countries. Resocjalizacja Polska, (10), 55-79. Retrieved from

Beata Maria Nowak 
Pedagogium Wyższa Szkoła Nauk Społecznych w Warszawie  Poland

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