Individual Time Perspective of Convicts on Imprisonment Sentences: Implications for Social Rehabilitation Interactions


The paper is to offer a  new look at temporal perspective, which might supplement resocialization of persons serving custodial sentences in prisons. The neglect of temporal aspects might cause failures in correctional operations. The individualization of resocialization proposals by referring them to the dominant temporal orientation of an inmate makes them more suitable for the convict’s psychological functioning’s mechanisms and more cognitively accessible for him/her. It motivates to larger commitment to participate in so planned resocialization and creates favourable conditions for time perspective to be balanced. Optimally, a balanced time perspective is a resource, which may increase the likelihood individuals will avoid engaging in criminal behaviour after being released from prison.


time perspective; prison sentence; resocialization

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Published : 2015-12-30

Gulla, B., Tucholska, K., & Wysocka-Pleczyk, M. (2015). Individual Time Perspective of Convicts on Imprisonment Sentences: Implications for Social Rehabilitation Interactions. Resocjalizacja Polska, (10), 41-54. Retrieved from

Bożena Gulla 
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie  Poland
Kinga Tucholska 
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie  Poland
Małgorzata Wysocka-Pleczyk 
Uniwersytet Jagielloński w Krakowie  Poland

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