Demoralization and Juvenile Delinquency – the Dynamics and Dimensions


This paper provides data concerning the dimensions, dynamics and structure of demoralization as well as criminal acts committed by minors over the period 2000–2014 in Poland. The presented results of analyses are the Author’s own elaboration of the data from the Statistics Department of the Ministry of Justice in Warsaw. The statistical data presented herein show the decreasing number of juvenile delinquents from 25,667 to 16,388 juveniles (i.e. by 36.1%) and an increase in demoralization issues from 8,878 to 15,524, i.e. by 74.9% in the years 2000–2014. It can be said that the number of offenses committed in society by juveniles tends to be going down, but this decrease is inadequately low when compared to the reducing number of individuals in this age group. Over the period 2000–2014 the total number of 13–17-year old teenagers decreased by as much as 40%.


demoralization; juvenile delinquency; the dynamics and dimensions of crime

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Published : 2016-12-13

Noszczyk-Bernasiewicz, M. (2016). Demoralization and Juvenile Delinquency – the Dynamics and Dimensions. Resocjalizacja Polska, (11), 145-162.

Monika Noszczyk-Bernasiewicz 
University of Silesia in Katowice  Poland

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